If you haven't heard, or read my earlier post on my BIG NEWS, you are probably wondering why I haven't been posting here lately. Well, the BIG NEWS is that I am now posting all content to my new website at
It's definitely a couple steps above this blogger format, and I am hoping that the layout and gadgets prove to be more attractive and user-friendly. I would love for y'all to check it out and navigate around. If you see anything that's seems out of place or just really confusing, please feel free to post comments to share your feedback. The more the better.
Many of you out there probably are what we call, "Hard-Gainers". All this means is that you have a tough time putting on lean mass. For you, and those like you, I want to introduce Volume Training. Here's the dirty on this training style...
Volume training is basically packing as many quality repetitions of a movement or movements in a small duration using an interval-type structure. This will make more sense when you see the video below. All you really need to know is that if you couple volume work, moderate or heavy speed lifts, and an increase in the amount of QUALITY food you eat, you will soon find yourself needing to go on a shopping spree to buy new shirts and jeans!
Now, I need to have the attention of the ladies out there for a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!!
Using the above prescription will NOT make you look like this!
I know that the ladies out there automatically think that as soon as they touch any sort of weight, that they will instantly blow up and end up looking like a NFL linebacker. Let me set your mind at ease...
In order to look even close to picture above, a female has to call upon some special "vitamins" that artificially boost the body's ability to build lean mass quickly.
Listen. If anything, this form of training will allow you to build strength while amplifying the beneficial effects of exercise. Just take Lindsay as an example. She's been doing Strictly Strength for several months. She has continued to see gains in strength and power and it is obvious that she is not bulky at all! I would urge you to just simply implement this training....if you don't like the results you see, quit.
As I reach the halfway point of 365 Days of Strength, I am stoked to announce that I have enlisted the services and expertise of Jonathan Haynes to convert my current blog to an actual website!!!
I will continue to post here for about a week or so, but after that I will be utilizing all the badass tools and gadgets that the website provides! I gotta be honest, though...the reason I am so excited for the change is so that those of you that read my blog and have some sort of feedback can now post your comments with ease. I've heard over and over from readers that they try to post their thoughts on my current blogger site, but it never ends up showing up.
Will be live by end of day tomorrow! I would love for everyone to check it out! Just keep in mind that it is still a work in progress. There are still some minor details that remain to be ironed out, but nevertheless, it's definitely next level!!!
Until then, feel free to click the FaceBook link at the bottom of my front page to LIKE the
STRICTLY STRENGTH page. It's just another way for you to stay in the know!
In STRICTLY STRENGTH we rarely put the clock on any of our SWODs, but that doesn't mean we don't move FAST!!! In fact, I put a huge emphasis on moving weight - regardless of load - as fast as possible! This is an idea that I've discussed before, but it would be beneficial to remind you all.
We'll keep this simple...Think of it this way - whenever you're moving, let's say, a deadlift....you only get a certain amount of time to accomplish that lift successfully. Now, that's not to say that the judge is timing you and will cut you off if you're too slow. It means that, depending on the load, the energy that the body can produce will only last so long. At some point - sooner than later with larger loads - the force of gravity will overcome the body's energy and ability to create speed and momentum on the bar.
Pretty simple, right?
If you can move weight faster, you will move more weight further in a shorter period of time- providing you more time to play with even larger loads!
Get it?!
So, now that you and I are on the same page, I invite you to watch one of our dynamic effort sessions. These guys in the STRICTLY STRENGTH 7am crew are INTENSE. They love competition, so in order to really push the pace, I turned this into a friendly competition. The first team to knock out their 20 sets of 2 didn't have to put up their weights!
Check it out!
- For all you coaches out there-
I urge you to really get to know your athletes on a deeper level so that you can better motivate and inspire your athletes. If you neglect this part of your training relationship your athletes will not reach their full potential. This is easier than it sounds....JUST PAY ATTENTION!
Pay attention to how different types of workouts and schemes affect your athlete. Everyone reacts differently, so it's critical to know how to best serve your athletes!!!
In our most recent FireSWOD, I decided to throw some tires in the mix! It was a awesome morning, and the guys and gals were hungry for an intense SWOD.
Today was the first day of the Underground Strength Certification here in Austin, and more specifically, the Read Black Gym! It was an action-packed day, and the energy of the cert. participants has been off the charts - These guys and gals are freakin' HUNGRY for knowledge and opportunity! I'm lovin' it!
It never fails....whenever I get the amazing opportunity to help Zach out with a UGS cert., I find myself becoming more and more fired up about what I do - my mission. It's really simple: I was put on this earth to add value to the lives of others. I am aware now that I do this is many ways, but my primary tool is coaching! I coach fitness. To some of you, that may seem more like a job description than a LIFE MISSION, but I coach with passion and truly give a shit about the well-being of my athletes. In this way, others are able receive and adopt a life build on the foundation of health, strength, and energy! Those of you that have already made that life altering choice - to live a life of strength and energy - know the power it creates in all other areas of your life, True?
This may be a stretch, but my mission is simple, but has profound effects on not only me, but those around me. This parallels the type of training that is being taught this weekend. It is simple(not easy), but profoundly effective in achieving results!
Things do not always have to be complex or complicated. In fact, sometimes it is far better when it is cut and dry!
Check out some of today's workouts, and give them a try for yourself! Drop a comment below with your thoughts on today's post and the results of your LEG CRANK and DB COMPLEX LADDER!