Today, in the 7am Coed class at RunTex, the WOD was "Karen"...150 Wall Ball shots for time. By now, many of you have had the joyous experience of "Karen", and know that it is not a workout that should be taken lightly.
Ideally, this is a fast WOD that can be done in under 5min., as I saw yesterday in a video. For most of us, it is closer to double that time. That is exactly what we did. We decided that we would cut "Karen" at 10min. Obviously, this left ample time to work on other skills.
Sooo...the 7am class did 3x5 Deadlift prior to hitting "Karen"!!! This additional exposure to the "Heavy Lifts" will surely improve the CrossFit Total numbers when we test next month.
Also, I wanted to point out the dedication of just a few of my team. Ben and Reid have been consistently working on individual skills and tasks before and after class. Ben has been hard at ring dips and has decided to add the kipping pullup to his "homework". Look for big things from Ben.
Reid has been hitting the Trigger Point set each day, and has seen a decreased knee pain because of it. Also, Reid, due to the encouragement of Ben, decided to do a little ring dip "homework" of his own - knocking out 2o ring dips.
This is the kind of dedication needed to make big things happen!!! These two guys are great examples to follow. Excellent work to the 7am RunTex crew!!! I appreciate the effort and intensity you all bring! Keep it up!
Tuesday - 2.9.10
*60sec. rest btwn sets*
3 Rounds for Time:
10 "Atlas Stone" Lifts and Reset(130#/60in.platform)
15 HSPU's
Atlas Stones- F-ing love it! Nice work dude. Two different approaches to the .com - trying yours next time. Tonight's 2nd WOD- 21-15-9 155# power clean, burpees. I am back to being able to get chin ups again, but I can't get past my chin- this is scary.