Wednesday, August 24, 2011


-Hey Guys-
I recently put one of my rockstar clients through a unique SWOD(StrengthWOD).  His performance, and the fact that he did something that most people would be terrified to do, inspired me to video his SWOD.  I want to share it with you, because it's THAT cool!!!  This guy has heart for days, work's his ass off every session, and has seen some crazy results.
He's lost 40lbs, dropped his body fat percentage by 15%, increased his mobility and strength, and is now off of his blood pressure meds.!!!! At a recent check up, his doctor said that he has actually "gotten younger and added years to his life."  

Check this out!!!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

HEART For Days!

While you and I went through our normal relaxed weekend activities, 3 men from CrossFit Central took on an EPIC challenge - THE Leadville 100.  As the name implies, the race takes place in Leadville, CO, and yes, the distance is 100 miles!  Here's a little more about the race...

An illustration of the elevation changes
Leadville Trail 100 Ultramarathon (aka The Race Across The Sky or the LT100) is an ultramarathon held annually on trails and dirt roads near Leadville, Colorado, through the heart of the Rocky Mountains. First run in 1983, runners in the race climb and descend 15,600 feet (4,800 m), with elevations ranging between 9,200-12,620 feet. It is common for less than half the starters to complete the race within the 30 hour time limit.

Kris Kepler, Elliott Schrok, and Zac Hughes all showed amazing heart, and had an entire community inspired and completely enveloped by every stride and checkpoint.  A huge congrats to these 3 amazing men, and a special shout out to Kris Kepler for finishing the race in 29:39:11!!!!  Here's his finish...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Get STRONG....

The next session of the STRICTLY STRENGTH PROJECT is about to go down!  The first day will be September 3rd.  If you're ready to advance yourself as an "Rx'd CrossFitter"....If you're ready to move weight that you've never moved before....If you're ready to find a new confidence and badass attitude when lifting, this is where you have to start!!!  Are YOU ready?
For those that have already experienced the PROJECT, you now have a new STRICTLY STRENGTH CLASS option!  Starting in September, there is a Monday/Wednesday 530-630am slot.  This comes in addition to the original Tuesday/Thursday 700-800am class.  Just one more way to get SILLY STRONG!!!  

If you have any questions regarding the PROJECT or the SSClass, please contact me ASAP, as slots will fill up quickly.