Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 165 of 365: A Shout Out To RobO

I was recently asked by Mr. Rob Orlando to share my experiences at the CrossFit Strongman Certification that was recently hosted at CrossFit Central.
That, in and of itself, is super exciting for me, so I jumped at the opportunity!!!.
Well, because I experienced, firsthand, the potential this training style, and more specifically, this certification has to build and create top-notch strength coaches.  I want to help spread the word of how effective this training style is, and how RobO's knowledge and passion for it is infectious, and will get you thinking in new and creative ways that will result in big success for you and your athletes!!!  Not to mention, this guy's(and his staff's) energy will no doubt light a fire under your ass and get you pumped and excited to get back home to start training!

Check out my video below for my experiences and take-aways from the StrongMan Certification.


1 comment:

  1. Love the perspective you (and Rob O) present in this post Travis! Don't over-analyze. Find heavy, awkward shit and pick it up. Repeat. Get stronger than you were last year. Period.
